Technology in the Classroom

I have never used wordle before; however, it seems simple enough. The first idea I had (being a math teacher) would be to post the key words from word problems. For example the key words to add, subtract, multiply, divide, estimate. I could put them in a wordle and the students could refer to them when solving their math problems.

I personally found Jing to be a little nerve racking. It is uncomfortable to talk about something when you know it is being recorded and soon to be shared. However, I do think that Jing could be a useful in the classroom; it can be used by both teachers and students. I think that Jing would be more useful in an online setting, opposed to wordle, because it allows for explanation where as wordle just shows the words visually. Jing is also interactive which makes it more appealing to students, and as the TED video said would activate more parts of the brain. In a classroom I can see them both being used beneficially, however, I think that Jing would be more beneficial because it is visually interactive and allows for audio for those students who have to hear it as well. I liked listening to the other teachers explanations of how they would incorporate Jing into their classrooms; it gives me more ideas. I do not feel that I am proficient at using Jing, I believe that it takes practice just like everything else. On the other hand, I think that because it is limited to only five minutes more explanation can be given in a written format.


I have a Delicious account.  I find it very overwhelming when trying to search the internet.  According to Sheena Lyengar it is because there are so many choices.  Also, after listening to her talk, I need to go through and categorize my resources.  I was at a STEM conference for two weeks this summer and I met a lot of people, one of the girls had a Delicious account with a lot of resources on it, it was very useful for me to look through her stuff.

          I enjoyed quizlet. I can see myself integrating it into my classroom in two different ways. First off, our students are weak in vocabulary. By providing those students with flashcards they can practice with, they can learn the words we use on a daily basis. This will help them during our classroom discussions. Secondly, I liked how there was an auditory aspect to it. I could set up an account and have my ELL students get on there. Quizlet would greatly benefit my ELL students because they could see the words and definitions, hear them, and they can easily study them. Often times their parents are unable to help them with their homework because of the language barrier. Quizlet is a great way for students to study in a way that best fits their needs.

I have never heard of this tool before, but can instantly see the benefits. In my school we are not able to call out long distance and to do it in the office is very impersonal and difficult. I have used my cell phone before to call a parent because it is a huge hassle to go through the office. Also, I live in a military town so most of the numbers that have for parents are long distance. This would be an awesome tool so that I could use my personal phone and never have to give out my number. I could also text parents or students who struggle to get their work in what the assignments are, therefore, they are still able to do them even if they did not write it in their agenda. This seems like a great tool and I cannot wait to incorporate it in to my classroom.  

I use Skype frequently to communicate with family back home. It is an awesome way to keep in touch, especially with the video aspect and being able to contact people from overseas.

My first thought of incorporating Skype into the classroom is to have virtual interviews with the students from someone in the community. With our school so focused on STEM integration, I would like to contact an engineer that they could talk to after doing a STEM project and going through the engineering design process. I think this would be a great way to involve the community in the classroom. Also, you could have virtual conferences with parents, pending you are in a school district where parents have access to computers.

I could use Google+ in my classroom in many different ways. The first thing that comes to mind is this could be a way that my students could use technology to present and store their STEM projects. To go against the opposed Facebook I could have the students sign up and join and I could group them by their classes and send out their homework and test reminders. Google+ is similar to Skype in the sense that you are able to video chat. However, you can use Google+ to video chat with multiple people; this is a feature that I do not believe that Skype has. I would prefer to use Skype for the simple fact that I am familiar with it, and it also allows you to make phone calls to normal numbers, it doesn't have to just be a Skype member.

I do think that Popplet could be incorporated into the classroom. I can think of right of the bat to make food webs for science class, writing outlines for papers, or to show different methods to solve a problem in math class and showing how they all can lead to the same answer. I think of students using Popplet more so than myself. I think that it is a great way to organize one's thoughts.

Dropbox is something I would use. The school district always pushes us to put our stuff on the server so that we will always have access to it. But I was thinking if I ever wanted to move or switch school (very possible) I would want to take that stuff with me. Dropbox is a way I could do that. Also it can be that bridge that connects our personal stuff and our professional stuff all in one spot.

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