Action Research Study

The Effects STEM Implementation had on 5th graders

Achievement, Growth, and Attitude in Math and Science

Brianne Doolittle

Michigan State University


Action research and reflective practice were conducted to gauge how STEM affected fifth grade students.  A treatment group of 33 fifth grade students, composed from two classrooms, was investigated.  The effectiveness of STEM was based on triangulation of data that was then compared to the previous year.  Interwoven throughout this study is the social constructivism theoretical framework, stating students are more apt to construct knowledge in a socially cooperative learning situation that focuses on a common theme.  A descriptive design, quantitative study was completed so that the specifics of STEM education’s effectiveness could be answered.  Through the administration and analysis of interest surveys, Learning Link, and Benchmark tests; students’ overall attitudes and average proficiency rates were analyzed then compared to the previous years.  The conclusion of the study indicated that STEM had positive effects on students’ overall attitudes regarding science and STEM; and furthermore, showed impressive gains in the percentage of students who were proficient in math and science and the percentage of students able to perform at grade level in math.  STEM is an effective teaching method that can be taught dynamically, while allowing students to apply their knowledge of the content in a meaningful real-life situation and has the potential to make dramatic impacts on students’ educations.  

The Effects of STEM Implementation

As I continued my own higher education, and began this online class of the processes through which action research follows; my thoughts naturally turned to my fifth grade students and their education.  It was my utmost desire to provide my students with learning opportunities that stimulated their curiosity, motivated their creative thinking, and differentiated effectively so as to relate to their individual strengths and weaknesses.   I believed the implementation of STEM Education would assist in this lofty goal.  While it focused on student led, hands-on, investigative learning, I felt STEM would fill a void that has been long neglected at our school.   

At the beginning of last year, I was concerned about the achievement of the students at my school, primarily because in the past, they had scored below proficient on standardized tests, especially in math.  As a fifth grade math and science teacher, I was left with the task of using the data available to develop a new approach to teaching this special population, so as to have a greater number of proficient scores on the mathematics’ portion of the assessment.  Meanwhile, our school just implemented a departmentalized block format, where there was a two-hour block of math and science instruction and a two-hour block of English Language Arts and Social Studies.  The district had also piloted STEM Education (the integration of science, technology, the engineering design process, and mathematics,) in a few schools, and had initiated plans to implement STEM throughout the district.  Schools were asked to pilot the program within their own settings, and our administration concluded that 5th grade would take on this responsibility the first year.  Therefore, this project will examine, “In what ways will the implementation of STEM Education affect my 5th grade students in science and mathematics?”


·        Engineering design thought process: Students are faced with a real-world problem solving situation, and are to (1) ASK themselves what do they need to know, (2) IMAGINE a solution to the problem, (3) PLAN out the solution, (4) CREATE (design) a solution to the problem, the action stage, and (5) IMPROVE, determine how the solution can be improved.  Then following the process once again, students improve the solution to their problem.

·        Norm Reference Test:  Yields an estimate of the position of the tested individual in a predefined population, with respect to the trait being measured.

·        Prototyping: Students create their own solution; it is often done as an example.

·        STEM: A teaching strategy that integrates science, technology, engineering design, thought process, and mathematics.

·        TCAP: Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program.  This is Tennessee’s state standardized test.

Theoretical Framework

A theoretical framework that best supports the research I want to conduct is social constructivism.  Social constructivism is the theory that students generate knowledge and meaning of the content from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas (Dewey, 1929).  This type of learning is problem-based adaptive learning that integrates new knowledge with existing knowledge, and allows for creation of original work or innovative procedures (Dewey, 1929).  Therefore, for students to generate a connection with the content, they need an environment where they can thoughtfully interact with the content.  STEM is a process that does just this.  Students are to take what knowledge base they have and apply it to a problem solving situation where they create their own solution to the problem they face.  Through this process students must take what they know and apply it to a new situation, which in turn they create their own meaningful connections to the content.  By creating their own connections to the content, students are making the content personally relevant and more academically accessible. 

“Social constructivists posit that knowledge is constructed when individuals engage socially in talk and activity about shared problems or tasks” (Driver, Asoko, Leach, & Mortimer, 1994).  STEM is a process that allows a cooperative group of students to collaborate on a posed problem and develop a solution.  This is a challenging task because all students in the group have their own ideas and solutions to the shared problem; in the end they need to work together by socially communicating to come up with one collaborative solution that encompasses a multitude of ideas.  Not only are students faced with the task of creating a single, functional solution, they must also tap into their higher order thinking skills to create meaning through the content they are working with.  With the posed problem being a real-world investigation and the students being able to work together using higher order thinking skills, one believes that learning with retention has a much better chance of occurring.  The following is a literature review which provides insight to the effects of STEM implementation. 

Literature Review

STEM is the integration of science, mathematics, and technology in a problem-based learning environment using the engineering design thought process.  As lessons blossomed into inquiry and problem-based investigations, a group of educators coined the acronym STEM.  This action research project will aim to measure to what extent STEM affects student achievement in math and science in my classroom.  I will also investigate how STEM affects students’ attitudes toward math and science.

Issues in our world arise and require demanding solutions.  Citizens are asked for a multiplicity of pathways to offer plausible solutions; which have created the power of prototyping.  Rarely have our classrooms offered children the chance to engage in higher level questioning and processes. Now, through STEM Education, we have the chance to invite our children to look at their schoolwork as important to the world. They create a solution to the real-world problem they are presented with, carry out their solution plans, then evaluate its effectiveness and improve their design.  Upon the conclusion of their challenge, students have gone through relevant higher level thinking to synthesize and evaluate their knowledge of the content at hand.

The elementary school where I am currently a 5th grade Math and Science teacher is Title 1, and historically low performing on the state standardized assessment (TCAP) in reading and math.  Administration and Staff have worked diligently to turn around this trend, improve scores, and attain growth in students, and to some extent have been successful.  Initiatives have been implemented, some with success and some with needed revamping, but always with a continual focus on student achievement and yearly growth.  The newest of these initiatives is STEM Education, with the district piloting the program last year in a few schools, and then spreading it throughout all schools this year.  One grade level per school was to incorporate the program this year, and my school chose to implement STEM into the fifth grade math/science curriculum. To meet this expectation, I have integrated it into my current course scope and sequence and am in the process of examining the research question: “In what ways will the implementation of STEM Education affect my 5th grade students in science and mathematics?”

After reviewing ten articles that describe empirical research and theoretical insights, I was able to sort them into three categories.  The three common themes reoccurring in the literature were:  (1) reform of science education is needed, (2) students tend to gain a more solid scientific and mathematical knowledge through STEM learning, and (3) STEM has been found to generate student interest toward math and science. 

The Need for Educational Reform

It is well documented that there is a deficiency in clear core standards for science education.  Rutherford and Ahlgren (1991) stated, “the necessity for strengthening science education in the United States has been widely acknowledged in numerous education studies.”  Concerning trends consist of low test scores, students’ avoidance of math and science classes, and the fact that the United States is ranked near the bottom in studies of students’ knowledge of science and mathematics (Rutherford & Ahlgren, 1991).  All of the studies that relate to this theme reiterate the fact that “a large majority of students still fail to reach adequate levels of proficiency” (Kuenzi, Matthews & Mangan, 2006, p. 3).  Students are failing to reach proficiency and are inadequately performing at the grade level in which they are being tested.

On the other hand, being unable to produce students who are competent in mathematics and science is greatly affecting our economy.  One of the studies went further to emphasize that the economy requires a highly educated workforce, especially in science, technology, engineering and math fields; and it projected a 17% growth of jobs in STEM related fields in the next decade (BHEF, 2011).  Research has shown that students who graduate from high school proficient in math and science, are more likely to pursue a STEM related career (BHEF, 2011).  These studies show a need for reform due to low student achievement and projections for an increase in jobs in STEM related fields.

Although these studies clearly defined a need for educational reform due to low achievement, they fail to discuss how education should be reformed; however, Akinoglu and Tandogan attempt to make suggestions for use.  They suggest that students need to be in an active learning environment that promotes problem-solving skills; which develops students’ higher level thinking skills and increases their achievement (Akinoglu & Tandogan, 2006).  When students feel successful and accomplished, they are confident and will enjoy the task at hand (Akinoglu & Tandogan, 2006).  Students who are confident when completing math and/or science activities/problems/investigations, are more likely to find enjoyment in these areas and may eventually choose a STEM related career. 

STEM Positively Affects Student Achievement

STEM related activities are highly motivating and are geared towards hands on learners.  When effective, researchers’ evidence supports STEM as having a positive impact on student achievement.  Also, the studies have made reference to higher order thinking.  Akinoglu and Tandogan (2006) wrote that problem based learning “develops students’ higher level thinking, critical thinking, and scientific thinking skills” by creating challenges that are student-centered instead of being teacher-centered (p. 73).  Moreover, students can actively apply engineering and science knowledge while they tend to gain a solid understanding of science and mathematics through STEM learning (Lou, Shih, Diez & Tseng, 2011).  STEM Education can create a solid knowledge base, while it enhances students’ abilities and provides them with real-life experiences through content integration and application (Lou, Shih, Diez & Tseng, 2011).  With a solid understanding of the content, students are more prepared to apply their knowledge on a norm-referenced test, which in turn, increases proficiency rates.

One study differs in that it elaborates on the technology component of STEM.  Just incorporating technology is not enough, but “using computers to help students work through complex problems; thus activating higher-order thinking skills, produced greater benefits than when using computers to drill students on a set of rote tasks.” (Wenglinsky, 2006, p. 30).  When using technology to help problem solve in a STEM challenge, students’ higher level thinking skills are activated, therefore, it is beneficial to students’ achievement to incorporate technology into STEM.

While it appears that computers are successful in promoting student achievement, computers also foster a great deal of interest for students.  Students are naturally curious about technology, therefore, by incorporating it into the classroom by promoting higher level thinking strategies, students will be more interested in science and mathematics content (Wenglinsky, 2006).  When students’ interests are peaked, they tend to have a better attitude when asked to complete a task (Shepardson & Pizzinni, 1994).  By incorporating computers so that students have a more willing attitude, they will be more successful completing STEM related activities. 

STEM Fosters Students’ Positive Attitudes toward Mathematics and Science

A final theme found while researching was the apparent connection between STEM investigations and the heightening of students’ attitudes towards math and science instruction.  The studies agree that a love for science and science related fields begins in elementary school and that it must be nurtured in order to continue (Farenga & Joyce, 1997).  One study suggested that to keep interests high, science must be taught dynamically and should incorporate the interests of the students (Shepardson & Pizzinni, 1994).  Moreover, studies support STEM by showing the benefits that cooperative learning and active learning settings have on positive attitudes in the classroom (Thom, 2001). 

An unexpected theme I encountered, and one of which I found oddly surprising was how many of the studies suggested that girls lack interest in science.  Farenga and Joyce suggest that girls bring different experiences to the classroom due to the different roles they have in their home lives (1997).  Vanmali and Abell offered an explanation as to why boys tend to be more interested in science opposed to girls (2009).  They stated that while engaged in science activities, boys tend to “tinker” with the tools, such as balances and beakers, while girls tend to follow the teacher’s directions and only do what they are told to do with the tools (Vanmali & Abell, 2009).  Therefore, when teachers do not create active, hands-on learning opportunities, girls tend to lose interest.  While students may bring different interests to the table, as teachers, we can align ideas, use real-world connections, and provide projects that emphasize collaboration and communication to pique the interests of all involved in my class.

Two of the studies differed in that they incorporated students’ “prior” knowledge in to the mix which should always be taken into consideration when planning, so interests are not overlooked (Farenga & Joyce, 1997).  By showing students how their prior experiences align with scientific ideas and by using real-world connections to emphasize societal relevance, students should be more interested in science and mathematics related concepts (Vanmali & Abell, 2009).  By valuing and incorporating what students already know into the lesson, and letting them experience math and science in real-world and relevant situations, their interests will naturally be piqued.

            Students are naturally curious about science related phenomena.  Many of the studies agree that students have a natural love of science and science related fields; however, that love needs to be nurtured in order to continue (Farenga & Joyce, 1997).  It is implied by students’ current lack of interest in science related fields that science education needs to be reformed.  Reform in science education depends on changing existing curricula from kindergarten through high school (Rutherford & Ahlgren, 1991).  By reforming science education, we can create guidelines that cater to students’ natural curiosity in science related phenomena. 


Lou, Shih, Diez, and Tseng believed that STEM Education can lead to positive results on students’ math and science assessments and that problem-based learning can enhance students’ attitudes toward STEM Education (Lou, Shih, Diez and Tseng, 2011).  Positive learning environments promoted usefulness of the content and interest in science related fields (Shepardson & Pizzinni, 1994).  Enhancing students’ attitudes toward STEM leads to an exploration of future STEM related careers (Lou, Shih, Diez and Tseng, 2011).  It is projected that a 17% growth in STEM related careers is to be expected in the next decade (BHEF, 2011).  Therefore, it is a benefit that science education be reformed to incorporate STEM learning experiences.

The studies above support the implementation of STEM Education.  Upon completion of this literature review, I understand the rationale my school district used to make the decision to reform science curriculum.  By incorporating problem based learning strategies and real-world investigations, students activate and use higher order thinking to enrich, motivate, and enhance their science, technology, engineering, and math curriculums.  STEM Education has also shown the ability to improve the attitudes of students about participating in science and math classes.  When comprehension and application are achieved, students share that they feel more confident and enjoy the learning investigations.  The majority of the literature supported curriculum changes that include STEM.  However, it is still unknown as to what extent STEM Education is more beneficial than traditional science and math teaching. 

Research Method

This action research project investigated the effects of STEM Education on two fifth grade classrooms with a total number of 33 students. The age range was 10-12 years, with demographics of 10 African American, 12 Caucasian, 10 Hispanic, and one Asian.  Of the 33 students participating in the study, six students were in the ELL program with two in transitional stages; in addition, two students had IEPs, all of which received testing modifications.  To protect the identity of the students, they received student numbers in addition to the first letter of their homeroom teacher’s last name. For example; C4 would be a student from my teammate’s homeroom, with a student number of 4.  Data from last year’s students has also been incorporated.  These students were also given student numbers combined with the first letter of their former homeroom teacher’s last name, with the addition of the letter L placed first to reference last year.  For example; LD12 is a student that was in my homeroom last year, with a student number of 12.

            The action research study that was conducted was a descriptive design, quantitative study.  Quantitative data was used because the intent was to answer a specific question; “In what ways will the implementation of STEM Education affect my 5th grade students in science and mathematics?”   Quantitative research questions are stated in the onset of the research, and seldom change during the course of the study.  In order to resolve an answer to a specific question, the question must not change throughout the study (Mertler, 2009).  To resolve this question, a triangulation of data collection was created consisting of: (1) a questionnaire of student’s interest in the implementation of STEM Education teaching strategies, (2) administration of Learning Link tests that yielded an estimate of the position of the tested individual in a predefined population, and (3) administration of three standardized benchmark tests in both mathematics and science content areas.  This research design is a descriptive design because the data was examined as the phenomenon exists (Mertler, 2009).  STEM Education has been implemented; therefore, the research is conducted by making interpretations about the phenomenon already in place.   In order to keep the data reliable, the Kuder-Richardson formula 21 was used to determine the internal consistency of the tests because they are only administered to the students once (Mertler, 2009, p. 127).  In conclusion of this action research study, it was determined how STEM affected students’; attitudes toward the new teaching strategy, growth in mathematical thinking skills, and their achievement scores on standardized tests in science and math.

            Descriptive statistics was used to analyze all forms of data collection.  The descriptive statistics simplified, summarized, and organized the data (Mertler, 2009).  More specifically, the data was evaluated using measures of central tendency.  By using measures of central tendency, data from this year’s students was compared to last year’s students.  This was done to determine the extent STEM teaching strategies had on students’ attitude and achievement scores in math and science during fifth grade.  Although the questionnaires were not administered to last year’s students, questionnaires were given to this year’s students to appraise their attitudes as they pertain to STEM Education.  The survey contained statements about STEM implementation and students rated the statements according to whether they strongly agreed, agreed, have no opinion, disagreed, or strongly disagreed with each particular statement.  In doing this, the data can be quantified and measures of central tendency can be applied to measure student’s attitudes statistically. 

            One limitation with a quantitative research study is that the “hows” and “whys” of the research data are unable to be investigated.  With quantitative research one should not deviate from the intended research question, however, quantitative study has been completed to answer the intended question.  A sample size of only 33 students was small considering that STEM has been implemented throughout the district.  On the other hand, by incorporating the previous students’ scores strengthened any conclusions because the results were compared to a group of students who were not exposed to STEM Education. 


            This action research project was focused around a triangulation of data collection methods including:  (1) a questionnaire of students’ interests on the implementation of STEM Education teaching strategies, (2) administration of Learning Link tests that yields an estimate of the position of the tested individual in a predefined population, and (3) administration of three standardized benchmark tests in both mathematics and science content areas.  All of the data was quantified and compared using descriptive statistics including measure of central tendency and percentages. 

            Students, in the treatment group only, took an interest survey consisting of seven statements about math, science, STEM, and technology.  Students were to rank how true they felt a statement was for them on a scale from 1 to 5.  A 5 indicated that the student thought the statement was very true, a 3 it was somewhat true, and a 1 indicated it was completely false.  The most common ranking for each statement was 5. Students were asked to rank statements that they liked math, science, STEM, and technology, the average results were as follows: math 4.14, science 4.21, STEM 4.93, and technology 4.66.  Students were then asked to use the same scale to rank the statements that they liked math and science more when STEM was involved.  The average results included: “I like math better when STEM is involved” 4.03, and “I like science better when STEM is involved” 4.52.  The final statement of the questionnaire was “I like this year better because I get to do STEM,” the average rating was 4.72.  Measures of central tendency of the questionnaire statements can be found in Table 1 of Appendix A.

            Learning Link data at a fifth grade level produces a quantile measure that ranges from 0-1050.  Students who received scores ranging from 550-815 were defined as performing within 5th grade level, students who received scores ranging from 765-815 had mastered 5th grade content, furthermore, students who received a score higher than 816 were defined as advanced and were performing above 5th year grade level expectations.  The treatment group had an average quantile measure of 896;100% of students performed within 5th year level, 76% mastered 5th grade content, and 72% exceeded 5th year grade level expectations.  The standard deviation of scores was 178.  Last year’s control group had an average quantile measure of 793;86% of students performed within 5th year grade level, 59% mastered 5th grade content, and 55% exceeded 5th year grade level expectations.  The standard deviation of scores was 210.  Learning Link data can be found in tables 2 and 3 of Appendix A. 

            In the state of Tennessee standardized Benchmark testing was administered three times a year.  Students received a percentage score of correct answers out of 35.  These 35 questions were composed from seven different state standards in the respectful content area.  The state considered students who score 80% or higher to have mastered the content.  The treatment group’s average scores on Math Benchmark 1 was 78, with 63% of the students proficient, Math Benchmark 2 was 71, with 34% of the students proficient, and Math Benchmark 3 was 85, with 77% of the students proficient.  Furthermore, the treatment group’s average scores on Science Benchmark 1 was 78, with 50% of the students proficient, Science Benchmark 2 was 80, with 61% of the students proficient, and Science Benchmark 3 was 79, with 58% of the students proficient.  On the other hand, last year’s control group’s average scores on Math Benchmark 1 was 55, with 15% of the students proficient, Math Benchmark 2 was 54, with 11% of the students proficient, and Math Benchmark 3 was 83, with 66% of the students proficient.  Moreover, last year’s control group’s average scores on Science Benchmark 1 was 60, with 24% of the students proficient, Science Benchmark 2 was 67, with 16% of the students proficient, and Science Benchmark 3 was 76, with 41% of the students proficient. Standard deviations for the treatment groups’ above tests are as follows: Math Benchmark 1, 14, Math Benchmark 2, 17, Math Benchmark 3, 11, Science Benchmark 1, 10, Science Benchmark 2, 10 and Science Benchmark 3, 11.  Standard deviations for last year’s control groups’ above tests are as follows: Math Benchmark 1, 20, Math Benchmark 2, 21, Math Benchmark 3, 14, Science Benchmark 1, 18, Science Benchmark 2, 14 and Science Benchmark 3, 11.  Benchmark data can be found in tables 4 and 5 of Appendix A. The following section expands upon the findings to interpret the meaning behind the data.


            Upon completion of the triangulation of data, I was able to internalize and reflect on the data, and synthesize the outcomes.  The question that was being investigated: “In what ways will the implementation of STEM Education affect my 5th grade students in science and mathematics?”  STEM had some surprising, yet enlightening, affects on students’ interest levels regarding math and science.   Learning Link results yielded significant gains in students’ abilities to perform at or exceed 5th grade math level expectations. The benchmark data from the study that was analyzed showed a positive statistical difference in student’s achievement levels on all three benchmark tests in math and science. 

            The majority of the students indicated they liked math and science, with mean scores of 4.14 and 4.21; students liked being in math and science class.  The statement about STEM yielded a mean score of 4.93 indicating that students really liked STEM.  When students were asked if they liked science more when STEM was incorporated, their mean score increased by 0.31; implying they prefer science be incorporated in STEM.  On the other hand, when students were asked if they like math more when it was incorporated with STEM, their mean score decreased by 0.11; indicating they preferred math alone, opposed to applying it in a STEM investigation.  Farenga and Joyce (1997) make the point that love for science and science related fields comes naturally in elementary school; however, it must be nurtured in order to continue.  Therefore, to keep interests high, science must be taught dynamically (Shepardson & Pizzinni, 1994).  Social constructivists suggest that if we teach science dynamically through STEM while letting students engage socially in talk and activity about shared problems or tasks, they will have a higher interest in science and math content knowledge  (Driver, Asoko, Leach, & Mortimer, 1994). 

            Learning Link data from the treatment group showed a significant increase in the percentage of students who were able to perform within and above grade level expectations for mathematics (Table 3 in Appendix A).  The treatment group’s average score of 896 exceeded grade level expectations.  In addition, the standard deviation had decreased by 32, indicating that student’s scores were closer to the mean score compared to the year before.  100% of the students in the treatment group were able to perform mathematics with in a 5th year grade level; this was up 14% from the control group.  Furthermore, 72% of students in the treatment group were able to perform mathematics above grade level expectations; this was up 17% from the control group.  This data indicated significant improvement in mathematics performance.  Social constructivism theory supported the treatment group’s success with mathematics because it stated that knowledge is constructed when individuals engage socially in STEM challenges when they collaborate about the solution to the shared problem (Driver, Asoko, Leach, & Mortimer, 1994).  By creating a solid understanding of the content, students are more prepared to apply their knowledge on a norm-referenced test; this is proven with the treatment group’s success on the Learning Link test.

            Benchmark data showed a significant statistical difference in the treatment group’s ability to proficiently apply their math and science knowledge on all three benchmark tests.  The treatment group yielded average scores on all three tests that were significantly higher than the control group’s average scores.  With an increase in the treatment groups mean scores and a smaller standard deviation, the treatment group was displaying that they were more capable of achieving mastery than the control group (Table 4 in Appendix A).  Of the six benchmark tests given, students in the treatment group produced a higher percentage of proficient scores on all tests, yielding improvements anywhere from an 11%-48% increase in the number of students who received a score of 80% or higher (Table 5 in Appendix A).  Improved achievement on benchmark tests was a result of STEM implementation and was supported by the social constructivism theory, which stated students generate knowledge and meaning of the content from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas (Dewey, 1929).  With a strong meaningful connection to the content the treatment group was able to better apply their knowledge on benchmark tests compared to the control group.  STEM Education can create a solid knowledge base, while it enhances students’ abilities and provides them with real-life experiences through content integration and application (Lou, Shih, Diez & Tseng, 2011). 

            This action research study has uncovered a positive change in student achievement.  Incorporating STEM this year has brought success for my students.  The amount of students that were able to apply their knowledge of the content and show mastery level skills has increased significantly.  In conjunction with successful test scores, my students have also shown interest in math and science education.  Moreover, students revealed that they prefer science when it is incorporated into a STEM project.  For me, this information provided to be, not only informative, but productive and crucial for my STEM planning.  In the future, I think it goes without saying that STEM will continue to be a major area of focus.  This year STEM has led to dramatic success, which I believe will continue in the following years.  From this study I have learned that the social constructivism theory carried a lot of weight when incorporating STEM.  The collaborative aspect of STEM piqued the students’ interests and allowed for a collection of creative original work through innovative procedures.  This will be the basis for continuing STEM education in my classroom. 


            Throughout this study I have continually reflected upon my teaching practices.  I have discovered that the old school “lecture” style teaching strategy of the phenomena of scientific theory is ineffective in helping students retain information and/or have a desire to embrace the subject of science.  Through this study, I have reinforced the fact that inquiry teaching practices coupled with student collaboration are the most effective ways for students to construct meaning of the content.  If students are going to apply the knowledge they gain from STEM Education, teaching needs to be dynamic.  STEM is a method in which one can teach dynamically and allow students the opportunity to experience the phenomena and make their own connections to the material that builds upon their prior knowledge. 

            One fact that cannot be ignored when examining the effects STEM had on my students, was that this is my second year of teaching, whereas, the control group was my first year.  I think further study needs to be conducted to determine how much success was attributed to STEM and how much to an additional year of teaching.  When looking at Table 5 in Appendix A, I noticed there was less of a discrepancy between benchmarks as we moved throughout the year.  I feel the third benchmark was the most accurate in terms of success with STEM because I became more experienced as my first year was underway (control group, Benchmark 3). 

            I have two recommendations for further research in regard to the effects STEM has on students.  First, I believe that my study should continue so there is a chance for a pattern to emerge.  If the study were to continue, as years pass, and positive results are still experienced, then there would be no question as to how beneficial STEM has been.  With this being my second year of teaching, some of the success was attributed to my gaining of experience and some to the implementation of STEM; however, in order to determine how much is attributed to STEM, the study needs to continue.  Secondly, I believe a direct comparison model would also be a beneficial way to illustrate the effects STEM has on students.  The control group would be composed of students who have never experienced STEM and the treatment group could be introduced to STEM implementation; furthermore, the data collected would illustrate the raw effects of STEM implementation.    


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Appendix A

Table 1: Interest Survey Data

Like Science
Like Technology
Like Math More w/ STEM
Like Science More w/ STEM
Like This Year More because of STEM
Standard Deviation

Table 2: Learning Link: Descriptive Statistics

Learning Link
Number of Students Tested
Standard Deviation
Control Group (2010-2011)
Treatment Group (2011-2012)

Table 3: Learning Link: Percentage of Student’s Performance

Learning Link
Number of Students Tested
Amount Ranging
Below Grade Level
550-815 (%)
Amount Ranging
At Grade
765-815 (%)
Amount Ranging
Above Grade Level
816-1050 (%)
Control Group (2010-2011)
25 (86%)
17 (59%)
16 (55%)
Treatment Group (2011-2012)
29 (100%)
22 (76%)
21 (72%)

Table 4: Benchmark Data: Descriptive Statistics

Benchmark Testing
Math Benchmark 1
Math Benchmark 2
Math Benchmark 3
Science Benchmark 1
Science Benchmark 2
Science Benchmark 3
Control Mean

Control Median
Treatment Median

Control Mode
Treatment Mode

Control Standard Deviation
Treatment Standard Deviation

Table 5: Benchmark Data: Percent Proficient

Benchmark Testing
Math Benchmark 1
Math Benchmark 2
Math Benchmark 3
Science Benchmark 1
Science Benchmark 2
Science Benchmark 3
# Proficient (%)
# Proficient (%)

Appendix B

March 12th, 2012

Dear Parents,

As you know, this is the first year that STEM is being implemented at Minglewood Elementary.  STEM is the process of integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and it is added into our current mathematics and science curriculums.  STEM is where students are faced with a real-world problem, and through the engineering design thought process students develop a solution to the problem by applying their math and science knowledge.

STEM is a new concept to the school; therefore, I am conducting an action research study to determine the effectiveness of STEM on students’ academic achievement, academic growth, and overall attitude toward STEM.  In order to gauge STEM’s effectiveness, I will be collecting data from students’ benchmark tests and Learning Link tests, as well as, having the students complete a survey on their attitudes toward STEM.  

Your child will remain anonymous during this study, and will be referred to as a number in my written report.  If you choose to allow me to include your child in this study, you will be assisting me in determining the effects of STEM implementation on my students.  If you choose not to allow your child to participate in this study, I will still be assisting your child in their learning and they will still be allowed to participate in ALL STEM activities.

Thank you, and if you have any questions feel free to contact me by email:, or you may call the school and request to speak to me.


Brianne Doolittle


Please complete the bottom portion of this letter and return it to me by 3/23/12.

Student’s name ____________________________________

Parent’s signature __________________________________

My child can participate in this research project.

YES ____        NO ____

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